Can’t believe it’s just 8pm and i’m in bed, about to go to sleep 🙂
I guess it’s no wonder if you wake up 5am. It was raining the whole night and after 5am i just couldn’t sleep.
Funny that even though i don’t like/know grammar, i like teaching it 😀 Here it’s not hard to be a teacher, students still value education, not like in Europe. The students are so open and active.
Even though it was cloudy in the morning and i thought it was going to rain the whole day, but it turned out to be a beautiful day 🙂
After school i went to the big market with Adane to just see around and buy some stuff. We were sitting in a cafe and saw two white people. Then i understood what people see if they look at us. They did look like aliens 🙂 A shame we couldn’t catch them and ask why they were there.
Merle went to the hairdressers to make her hair curly. She wanted to look like an Ethiopian woman 🙂
When we got back we went to Adane’s place, Wonde also joined us. We made wat from potatoes and tomatoes and enjoyed the evening. I also got some cakes from the bakers 🙂
Of course the electricity went away and now we’re in dark and the laptop’s battery is empty.
Tomorrow will have a church day, last time the 3 hours in church was just too much and i hope tomorrow we can be in children’s Sabbath school. We already have guest invitations for several days ahead and finding it hard to remember them all! 😛 Wonde’s wife promised us to show how to make engera (no idea how to spell…)
One of the best things so far is that if on the first days here i wanted to get to the internet, but now i don’t care and seeing a TV somewhere makes me rather sick! 🙂
Good night 😉