Yesterday the pastor’s family came here with bread and praising. They showed us traditional African dances and gave Merle a new name for her birthday. I suggested Yebelai or feminine form of it Belaynesh(that means dominant in amharic) but they named her Mari. Comes out that it means honey in amharic. So we have even the same traditional names:)

Today we had an extra art lesson with some students. Yesterday we did it with 4th grade and today with the 3rd. Some children were practically crying when Merle didn’t choose them for the extra lesson. But they are also good manipulators. Still, they are in a massive need of attention.

Because the 3rd grade was so intensive and way too active, we left them with the art teacher and went to the other class with 2 boys from grade 8. Both are real talents and enjoy art, just don’t have needed supplies. Some others joined also and we enjoyed.

After that spent 2h with the geography teacher Zerihun talking about different stuff. It’s so nice too see a person who is so intelligent but doesn’t acknowledge it himself and is humble.

Got to know many many new things about Ethiopia, it’s politics, geography and history.

Now have to see what to teach for the grade 7 tomorrow.
