The morning was a bit colder than usual because it was raining at night. The peak of Damota was hiding in clouds.
Our work day was busy. We painted the walls for the second time from the outside and we finished painting also several class rooms. In the end of the day one 7-8 year old boy came to me, took my brush and started painting himself. I got myself another brush and so we painted there together. He was standing at the gate after the work and asking for 2 birrs, which he of course got from us.
As already described here before, the school looks quite ugly. Windows are small, some from thick glass and the windows are covered with some piece of cloth (not to say rag) to screen the sun.
I was also observing the festival that Joosep described. There was so many people. there were very distinctible groups of men who were running, then they stopped to dance and sing and then continued running. It wouldn’t have been very nice to get on their way.
Almost all the women wore the national scarf which is white and has a pattern in both ends. This scarf is also common in everyday clothing. Usually women wear a long skirt, but sometimes a bit shorter skirts or even trousers. Men’s clothing is a lot more boring- very European. Already little boys wear long trousers.
People here are very cheerful, friendly and helpful. Sometimes even a little too much. Many people want to shake your hand. When shaking hands, right hand shoulders are put up against as well. This is a very nice tradition.
At lunch time we were with no water again, but we reacted already with stoic peace.
Damota is waiting for us tomorrow.


vana kool



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