This school year Oxnard Youth Academy’s second campus moved from the first campus to a distance of three kilometers. Both of the campuses are separately administered, which means that on the first campus one can study from 1st to the 5th grade and on the second campus from 1st to the 6th grade. I give lessons called “Spoken English” on both campuses: on the first one before lunch and to all the classes and on the other one after lunch for the older pupils in grades 4 to 6.

Minu tunniplaan teises koolis

My timetable in the second campus

To move from one campus to the other I take the local bajaj, which is a kind of a route taxi. In order to get on one it is wiser to first drive to the end of the line and then the other way back, which I fortunately am doing.

Most of the kids supported by the program study on the first campus, next to which lies the canteen. Kids who live closer to the second campus attend classes over there and these are mostly sixth graders. Every school year starts with the children moving from place to place so we lost 13 children due to that. From a government school we got new students with good scholastic proficiency. Only underprivileged children study in government schools.

There are about 70 students on the second campus. From a teaching point of view this is great of course, since I have time to call each pupil up to the blackboard to read twice and I have time to check and correct their home- and classwork. Together with the headmaster we try to monitor the levels of the children and who and how we should help.

The headmaster on the second campus is a young man but on the first campus is run by a woman. All the teachers are also young except the English grammar teacher, who despite being an older man, still gives it his full heart. With him I also discuss what is necessary for the children here to be taught and according to that I compile my lessons.


Pictures from the second schoolhouse







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