Two weeks have passed to getting used to Ethiopia. This is usually the time it takes to get used to the ways of Ethiopian streets and start to be able to coordinate in the streets of Sodo and memorize the location of bigger buildings.
It starts to seem normal that the streets have no names or house numbers. Hut like houses, which here are actually shops become recognizable and ultimately it starts to seem that all the ugliness is not so ugly after all. Doorhandles that stay in your hand every time you try to open your hotel door create no emotions any more. Boiler that goes into short circuit just stays hanging on the wall when we leave the room. All these things that are important to us Europeans make no difference to the people here. The toilets flushing mechanisms in each hotel room have not worked for ages and it is doubtful if they have ever worked. 20 l buckets in each room are wonderful instruments to put water flowing in the toilets pot and in case of no electricity, which happens here several times week, you have also some water to use.
The hotel workers here have no idea that there exists something like private space and their casual peeking into our rooms is not bothering us anymore. Humans according to common knowledge get used to everything.
Every year Sodo gets new and fancy hotel which leaves the older ones in vain. Africa is developing in its own pace. All the western benefits are spreading rapidly however so does the vices. Unfortunately the European vices are dominating over the African cultural side, loud earthly music on the streets, Ethiopians using forks to eat. The beautiful humble looks of women, sharing everything and fear of God is disappearing. All that is native to Africa is being buried by the so called culture that comes from West.