School started 2015
School started in September 2015. Estonians who are helping to get the school year off to a good start and are trying to better the conditions for the children are present in Ethiopia this time as well.
We also continue with home visits. Every year seven to ten pupils leave the school. There are many reason for that. For example because of poor conditions in their parents home children are sent to live with their relatives. There the children have to do all the chores for a place to sleep and a very branny meal. In case the child is an orphan the living arrangements are confusing as well. New kids must be found to replace the ones that left so the contributiors money wouldn’t go to waste.
Brief overwiev of the volunteers who have been in Ethiopia for the first half of the year:
Amanda Palmik
Amanda travelled to Ethiopia the second time in October 2015. There were many tasks at hand. Find a new cooking lady, check the portions of the food, fill the gas cylinders, find a canteen. School uniforms needed ordering and a suitable tailor was yet to be found for that. Besides all that home visits wited their turn.
Annika Heimvell
In mid November Annika joined with Amanda. Annika compiled and double checked the list of children in the program, verified all the contributiors transactions, handed out school uniforms and visited homes to replace children who had left, photographed childrens schoolreports to show to the contributors and also the children themselves in their school uniforms. In African pace everything moves ten times slower but experience shows that time doesn’t really vanish but rather that there is a right ime for everything. This kind of thinking helps one survive in Africa and move with the local rythm.