Bread is made of tef-flour. Tef is a relative of millet and quinoa but with a smaller seed and contains iron, calcium, proteins, fibers, aminoacids and vitamin C. The process of making it is the same as for our leavened bread.



Bread is usually baked twice a week. Families where bread is baked are above average in wealth. The maid usually bakes the bread beacuse the housewife is busy with other chores around the household.

we buy the bread for aour children from the house next door where a 16 year old young girl works for a family thats a bit more well off. In that house they bake bread for their own use and for selling to the school and other people in Soddo. On average the bread costs about ten euro cents a piece and is a pancake wit h a 70 cm diameter and has been made out of sour leavened doe and is full of small bubbles of air.

No oil or fats are used during baking. This is the main trick when making the bread – getting the bread off the clay pan. In colour the bread resembles a diswhasing cloth and smells and tastes like Toolse bread without salt.

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