In January 2015 I randomly met a young man named Daniel in a wedding in Hawassa.


During our first conversation his activities seemed very special.

Once back in Soddo we met up the very next day. Mainly because during the five years here, there had not been a chance to cooperate with anyone because all the volunteers from other countries were busy with their own projects which also didn’t really relate to ours in any way.

Daniel had not lost the passion for his work despite his poor conditions. His work was namely communicating with the local prostitutes and supplying them with condoms. He also supplied hotels wit them once every week. Talking with and hearing out the prostitutes problems and trying to find solutions for them when possible it turned out that many of the prostitutes were mothers who were trying to earn the upkeep for their children.


Daniel teaching the villagers.

Daniel also visited schools and thaught children about hygiene and how to handle water economically and how to properly wash hands. He did that in very remarkable and interesting ways. For example he would rub red chilli powder all over his hands and then shook those dirty hands with every single kid who came for lunch. This way it was very clear what kind of a big spread parasites have. To get rid of them, you had to use soap.

Our coooperation was very special because Daniel would come with us for a home visit and by the time the hand washing show began almost all of villagers were present. By now Daniel has spent over two years in Soddo and once again helped kids remember how to properly wash hands.

Merle Voola

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