The volunteers of year 2015/2016

Activities of NGO Damota in Ethiopia during the 2015/2016 academic year.

The developmental cooperation project “Voluntary work in Soddo Ethiopia to alleviate developmental and humanitarian problems and raising awareness in Estonia about Ethiopan developmental problems” is a joint project of Estonian Foreign Ministry and NGO Damota.

NGO Damota started their activities in Ethiopia in 2010. For the first three years Estonian volunteers contributed their knowledge, time and money to progress Ethiopian education. For the last three years Estonian Foreign Ministry has supported NGO Damotas work as developmental cooperation. More than 40 volunteers have been to Ethiopia over a six year period who all have heleped along the educational development of local children with their knowledge and skills. Spreading awareness later on in Estonia about Ethiopian culture and education system is no less important.


Amanda Palmik  27.09-15.12.2015

Hillevi Miltop 29.12.2105-27.01.2016

Merle Voola 29.12.2015-16.02.2016

Bert Kasemaa 03.01-22.01.2016

Kristjan Juusu 22.01-11.02.2016

Annemai Jallai 22.01-11.02.2016


Following people are includeid in this educational project by private funding:

Eveli Torma 03.01-22.01.2016

Jon Kasemaa 03.01-22.01.2016

Allan Jallai 22.01-11.02.2016

Ahti Hirve 22.01-11.02.2016


Amanda Palmik

Amanda Palmik is a psychology student in Tallinn University. For the first time Amanda was in Soddo in January of 2015 when she thaught the children sewing and mending their school uniforms. In the autumn of 2015 Amanda was in Ethiopia all by herself and was in charge of the school lunch, ordering new uniforms and checking and documenting attendance. She also did home visits to find out wich students are in need of the school lunch.

Annika Heimvell

Annika has been involved with Damotas activites in Ethiopia for 5 years now. As always her responsibilities were compiling and checking the lists of students, being in contact with the school board, approving all payment orders and recieve necessary bills from the school.

Hillevi Miltop

Hillevi is the CEO of Multimargri and Board member of NGO Toots. This was her third time in Ethiopia. She has arranged the provision of hundreds of nappysheets for young mothers which are handed out in aid packages for newborns in local clinics. Ever since she arrived Hillevi has helped to organise (and cook if necessary) the school lunch.

Bert Kasemaa

Bert is a school-leaver in Tallinna Vanalinna Hariduskollegium. He is so far the youngest one who has been to Ethiopia. Since it is Berts plan to study physics after graduating he decided to lively up the education of Ethiopias youth by conducting different physics and chemistry experiments. Among other things he drew attention to hygiene and with a simple experiment showed how germs spread and how thoroughly you must wash your hands to get rid of them.


Annemai Jallai

Annemai works as a gynecologist in Tartu University Clinic. It is the third time for her in Ethiopia. In 2011 she took part in renovating Oxnard Youth Academy with ten other Estonians to better the conditions for the children studying there. This year Annemai checked the health of all students with the help of Allan Jallai and Ahti Hirve

Kristjan Juusu

Is in Ethiopia for the first time and he is making a documentary about the activities of the volunteers and the life of the locals.Kristjan studied in Tartu Art School. Alongside the filmmaking Kristjan also took photos which can be seen on different exhibitions all over Estonia.

Allan Jallai

Allan was in Ethiopia for the first time accompanying his wife Annemai Jallai. Allan helped out with everything that had to be done. He also helped with the health checks.

Ahti Hirve

Ahti is in Ethiopia for the second time. Five years ago he took part in renovation of Oxnard Youth Academy. This time he was a helping hand everywhere and his skills as the owner of the company “Aiapiirded OÜ” were especially valuable.

 Eveli Torma

Eveli Torma is a teacher in Tallinn Gymnasium for Adults. In Ethiopia Eveli helped out everywhere and with everything. In addition to her presence her sons Jon and Bert Kasemaa were involved with the children here. Jon would draw with the children to make an exhibition about them in Estonia. Bert conducted physics experiments for the children.

Jon Kasemaa

Jon is a tenth grade art enthusiast and he drew pictures with the children in Soddo. He was also the cameramen and recorded the school lunches and his brother Berts physics experiments for the awareness work in Estonia.

Merle Voola

Project mamager for “Voluntary work in Soddo Ethiopia to alleviate developmental and humanitarian problems and raising awareness in Estonia about Ethiopan developmentla problems”

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