Last year there were 12 volunteers in Ethiopia. Four of them participated in the Estonian Foreign Ministry’s program “Puuetega naiste toimetuleku parandamine läbi tööhõive võimaluste” which in translation is aid for promoting employment amongst disabled women in purpose to promote general wellbeing . Volunteers organised new school uniforms for the children and their school lunch. The pupils were donated leisure time clothes and study materials based upon need. Home visits were continued to assess the exact economical situation of the pupils. In co-operation between NGO Damota and Tartu University Clinic a cancer treatment educational program was held in which Dr. Desta Seba participated. October-November 2017 the volunteers and the board of NGO Damota helped three local unemployed women to start up a catering business: The Chamber of Women With Disabilities “Immanuel” were given a hand in setting up a kitchen. The womwn were trained in food processing hygiene and their activities were supported by supplying them with a stove and some dishes. The purchase of a water container was also supported. On behalf of an invitation from Sander Soone the representatives of NGO Damota participated in a panel discussion held in Addis Ababa. One of the participants in the panel discussion was The President of The Republic of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid and the topic of the discussion was developing the IT- employment possibilities of young people of Africa.
There have been changes in Ethiopian politics as well.
This spring new prime minister stepped into office who decreased the number of ministral seats from 28 to 20. Eight of the seats are held by women. The Minster of Defense is a woman and for the first time there is a Minister of Peace who also happens to be a woman. In addition to that the for the first time in history the President of Ethiopia is a woman. To understand how and why all these changes have come about we advise listening to the link below from Vikerraadio: https://vikerraadio.err.ee/866902/891922