March 2020, Soddo

March 2020, Soddo

In the middle of March when Covid-19 attacked the world, we flew to Addis Abeba. Reaching Ethiopia, there was no sign of the deadly virus yet but all the arrivers were measured temperature at the airport and the handwash was

2018 Newsletter

It has been seven years since we were handed a list from the Soddo social department with the first children. These were the children whose parent or guardian did not possess the economic means to send the kid to school.

What took place in Ethiopia last year

What took place in Ethiopia last year

Last year there were 12 volunteers in Ethiopia. Four of them participated in the Estonian Foreign Ministry’s program “Puuetega naiste toimetuleku parandamine läbi tööhõive võimaluste” which in translation is aid for promoting employment amongst disabled women in purpose to promote general wellbeing

Survival Instinct

Survival Instinct

Living in a welfare society you don’t perceive instinct of survival that often. Everything necessary for living is at hand, supermarkets are full of goods, if there is nothing what your heart desires on the shelves, your face tends to