When three Estonians ( Laura, Merle, Andres) came back from Ethiopia to Estonia by spring of the year 2010, they all had a common desire – to make education more accessible to Ethiopian children. The non-profit organization Damota was founded in June 2010. It carries the name of a South – Ethiopian mountain. Helping the people who cannot meet their simplest needs, we also wanted to make Europeans aware of their necessity of giving that had been planted into our hearts by God. We were all dealing with what we just believed in. We reached the best result for we searched daily for divine guidance and wisdom, thus excluding erring. We were constantly strenghtened by seeing our families` and friends` willingness to attend our enterprise.
A new partner Annika joined our team in autumn 2010 and together we made plans in October 2010 to start building a school in Ethiopia.
In January 2011 we are all visiting Ethiopia once again, accompanied by five volunteers.